"From individual members to entire chapters and state associations, the FundraiseGenius platform has empowered BPA members to raise more funds than comparable systems."
We’re thrilled to partner with BPA chapters like yours to help fuel the future for your students and community.
We build your Fundraiser,
Your students input potential donors,
And we do the rest!
We made a special agreement with BPA where 80% of funds raised goes to the school program, 5% goes to State BPA, and 5% goes to National BPA. Other fundraising companies charge up to 50% in fees and keep their outrageous pricing hidden — not Fundraise Genius. We will send you an email at the completion of the fundraiser with a breakdown for complete transparency. A check is mailed to your school 3 days after the fundraiser ends.
"From individual members to entire chapters and state associations, the FundraiseGenius platform has empowered BPA members to raise more funds than comparable systems."
Ready to fuel the future for your BPA chapter? Fill out the form below to connect with us and schedule your next fundraiser.
Need help? Send us a message here.